It’s that time of year again! The weather is cooling down, the holidays are in full swing and the real estate market is picking up again as we approach the end of 2021. As a fellow Spencer’s Crossing Home Owner and Real Estate Broker, I wanted to be sure to share what I am seeing in our local market, right now.
Currently in Spencer’s Crossing there are about a dozen homes for sale. Most homes here are selling in under 3 weeks still.

We are finding that homes are selling at asking as long as sellers are well represented and are holding firm on their price and are patient. It’s important to know that the majority of home buyers in our neighborhood are traveling into town from other markets Including Orange County, San Diego and Northern California.
As a result, once a serious buyer sees your Spencer’s Crossing home go on the market, it takes them time (a few weeks) to get their home on the market to sell and get down to see yours and make an offer. Many buyers who are offering on homes in Spencer’s Crossing have large down payments and are experienced buyers who are worth waiting for. A sizable number of them are cash buyers moving from more expensive markets.
There are still a lot of buyers out looking for homes. Many buyers had made it a goal to buy a home in Spencer’s Crossing this year and they’re realizing that we are fast approaching that time.

If you’ve had any thoughts of selling or have been unsuccessful at selling your home in the past, I would love to assist you with making it a positive experience that kicks off your new year well. As a local homeowner, I am committed to getting you the most money for your Spencer’s Crossing home and sell homes for more money and more often than others who sell in the area that do not live here.
Thank you to all my Tamarack Neighbors who came to our 2nd annual pie event. It was so great to connect with you all over coffee and pie.

I wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to supporting and meeting more of you in the New Year!